
Archive for November, 2011

1 Reason out of hundred why Mac is better than a PC

November 9th, 2011 No comments

First of all they are more reliable and more creative for a start. I’m thinking of putting few reason in upcoming days in my blog why your next computer should be a Mac and not a PC. I’m not seen as biased, but as being a Microsoft Systems Engineer I know how easy or hard how some functions are on a PC. so read the blog and make up your mind.

Macs are consistently consistent

I remember how i suffered and were in the haunted mansion in Windows Vista specially in a domain environment – they type of place with endless wines and far -flung rooms connected by twisty spiral staircases and secret passages. And every time software giant (Microsoft) does a redecorating job (AKA upgrade always), it  moves stuff around for just no apparent reason.

OS X’s logical, minimalist interface sinply involves fewer things that must be learned and released, and Apple messes less with it in new releases such as Mac OS X 10.7 Lion. Bottom line: it’s pretty easy to get things done without installing and depending to 3rd party application for very basic need.

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Time Machine (Mac OS X 10.7)

November 9th, 2011 No comments

Time Machine is a backup utility developed by Apple. It is included with Mac OS X and was introduced with the 10.5 “Leopard” release of Mac OS X. The software is designed to work with the Time Capsule as well as other internal or external drives.

Time Machine creates incremental backups of files that can be restored at a later date.It allows the user to restore the whole system (from the OS X Install DVD), multiple files, or a single file. It works within iWork, iLife, and several other compatible programs, making it possible to restore individual objects (e.g.: photos, contacts, calendar events) without leaving the application.

The best part in Apple Time Machine is the indexing and how it “Backup” gradually check the differences of files and keep the changes to the Time Machine. unlike in PC, it splits the backup files into segments and proceed on.
