Protect your credit and debit cards
You rarely let your credit card out of your sight, so how do bad guys get your credit card information? Some may get it from a friend waiting tables at a restaurant, but many credit card thieves get your card info using a device called a Credit Card Skimmer.
A credit card skimmer is a portable capture device that is attached in front of or on top of the legitimate scanner. The skimmer passively records the card data as you insert your credit card into the real scanner.
Measures to save from skimmers
ATM makers now offer better data protection through updated technology. For instance, some ATMs sink the keyboard to prevent spy cameras from seeing your PIN, or jiggle inserted cards to prevent skimmers.
If you suspect that an ATM might be compromised, don’t use the machine. Check the card slot by finger, if either anything comes loose or feels mismatched. If so, report the problem to the bank.
- Inspect the card reader and the PIN pad.
- Trust your instincts, if doubt with the machine or people nearby try to use alternative machine.
- Keep an eye on your account, use Internet banking.
- Sign up for banking alerts like Mobile Banking which send transaction details via SMS.
- At abroad stay away from ATMs that appear dirty or in disrepair. At best, such ATMs may not work when used, and at worst, may be fake machines set up to capture card information.
- Do not use ATMs with unusual signage, such as a command to enter your PIN twice to complete a transaction.
- Watch out for ATMs that appear to have been altered. If anything on the front of the machine looks crooked, loose or damaged, it could be a sign that someone attached a skimming device.
- Avoid using the ATM if suspicious individuals are standing nearby. Criminals may try to distract you as you use the machine to steal your cash, or watch as you type your PIN.
- Be aware that if your card gets stuck in the machine and someone approaches to help, it may be a scam. A criminal may be trying to watch as you enter your PIN code.
- If your card gets stuck in the machine, call your Bank promptly to report the incident.
- As you key in your PIN, cover the keypad with your other hand to block anyone, or a camera, from viewing the numbers you type.
- Request to change PIN if you have any unusual activities, as in BML we cannot change it on our own.